Thursday, April 2, 2020 – Ride Day at Mingo Trails

Hi Darlin',
Had a decent night sleep, nice and quiet and pretty dark here, and I'm getting that sense you get when you go, go, go for a long time and then suddenly stop and it seems your whole body shuts down. Had already set up going for a ride, though, so I had a leisurely breakfast before saddling up Flash. Terrie arrived right a little ahead of schedule, but I wasn't far behind being ready, and we headed out just after 11:00. Unfortunately, her gaited mare started giving her trouble about half a mile out, so she decided to come back and trade her in for her husband's horse, which delayed us for a bit. We finally go back on the trail, and we had an enjoyable time. The trails are quite nice here, lots of variety, nothing too steep, no rocks, all sand or dirt, a few wet spots, a couple of creek crossings, a section with an obstacle course, which Flash did brilliantly, so it was very nice. At one time, Flash was doing a fast gait (his largo) across a section of pretty deep sand, and he stumbled and fell towards his left, going all the way to the ground with me still on his back. The ground was so soft, though, there was little damage to either of us, though later in the day my shoulder and hip started to ache a little, like it might bruise, but other than that it was no big deal. We'll see if I feel the same tomorrow! Not long after we got back, another family that had been out riding got back, and Lola carried her chucker over and in only a few moments, had trained the 4-year old boy to throw for her. That kept her busy for quite a while, so hopefully she'll sleep well tonight. I read for awhile, nodding off in my chair, then Terrie came by and we chatted a bit before we called it a day. I finished off all the Agents of SHIELD that was on Netflix, though I didn't realize the series was still going on, so I'll have to wait awhile for the next season. I changed over to the 3rd season of The Crown, where they have a mostly new cast of actors, and starting in 1964. I miss how you always used to fill me in on the British history I didn't know, now I'm lacking the insider's scoop without you! Anyway, time for my shower and bed, we have a longer drive tomorrow and I need a good night sleep. 'Night my love!

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