Sunday, September 12, 2021 – Prep Day

Hey Sweetie,
Maybe it’s all the trees here, but people in this campground tend to get a late start! It was after 9:00 before people starting moving around, so it was nearly 9:30 before I got up and moving. Got the horses and Lola and myself fed, then started putting things away in preparation for my departure tomorrow. At one point a guy stopped by to ask about the solar panel, and in the end bought a book. Later, the folks who were camped across from me over the weekend, but who left early this morning, came by on their Gator and chatted for a bit (they bought a book from me yesterday), and earlier, I took back the palette to the store, but they were closed for the day, so I left a note thanking them. Before I knew it, the day was gone, I’m almost fully packed and ready to go. I can’t drop the trailer on to the truck yet, just because it’s so not level here I’d be rolling down the floor like a drunken sailor if I dropped it all the way, but I’m lined up, even chained up, just not dropped down yet. The tricky part will be getting out of the spot, because I can’t just turn straight onto the road because of a great tree next to me, so that will take a bit of doing, but I have several options, which I’m sure will work out. I want to get an early start because I have a long day of driving, and I want to get there early enough to do a couple of loads of laundry and to pack, though my flight isn’t until just before noon, so I’ll have a little time in the morning on Tuesday. So it’s been a fairly quiet day, though occasionally busy, and I’m going to bed early so I can get up early and dump before getting on the road. That’s the plan, anyway. Not much else to report today! Good night, darlin’! Love you!


  1. Becky Ostwald says

    So nice to meet you and spend some time with you! You are an inspiration to many of us horse women! Hope you make breakfast and think of us! Looking forward to reading your book! Take care and hope to cross paths again at Waterloo! Happy Trails Jeanette, Becky and Steve Ostwald

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