Sunday, September 12, 2010 – And Yet Again!

Since we still had a few more trails we wanted to ride before we left here on Monday, we made the rare decision to ride two days in a row, heading out on Spikes Peak trail back to the South Boundary Loop. While the maps the park provides at the kiosk are very good, there are a few signposts that need repair (though for the most part, it was very well-marked throughout, with posts at every intersection), and there was on post on the ground we almost missed because of the high grass and hard to see trail, but being that it mostly ran along the perimeter fence, it was easy to get back on track. As Ranger Lee had mentioned our first day, if we get lost, just head north and eventually we’ll bet back to the camp. Mostly the same kind of terrain we’ve had all along, but in one spot, the trees suddenly disappeared and the area was full of low bushes and brush, giving it a completely different look for about a half mile. This is definitely one of our favorite stops! While several other horse trailers came in for the day today, there were no other overnight campers the entire week we’ve been here, which really surprises us considering the close proximity it has to so many major roads and cities. They certainly could stand to do more publicity, but I guess that’s not in their budget. Meanwhile, this is one of the best kept secrets of Central California!

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