Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015 – Preparation Day

Spent the day packing up and getting ready for our travel tomorrow. At 5:00 we took a drive out to the Elk viewing area, since Hubby hasn't seen any elk yet. True to form, there were three does in the immediate vicinity, and a small herd in a field on the other side of the road. We took a drive along the edge of the viewing area and got a closer look at the first does, then, on the way home, there were three large female elk in a yard, and one came almost right down to the van, where I got a great video. We were standing in the road amid a line of other cars that had stopped, but unfortunately, a cop came up to the back of the line and twirped his siren and instructed through his PA to "move along," so we were forced from our viewing. That would never happen in Alaska! There they LOVE tourists to stop and admire their wildlife! Oh, well. At least Hubby finally got to see some elk, albeit only for a few minutes! Got back and had a relaxing evening.

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