Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013 – Change of Plans and Rest Day

After looking at the weather, and realizing it was going to get pretty cold here and our intended next stop (also in Kansas), we decided it was time to head due south as far as we could get in a day. At first we were planning on Cedar Lake in Ouachita National Forest, but it seems there were only a few sites long enough, and most of them were reserved already, leaving us with just 3 potential sites, all of which seemed to be dubious for a satellite signal. After further investigation, we decided on Robbers Cave State Park, which is a little bit less far (thus a little bit more north, but just a touch), but their sites were first come, first served, and open to the south and southwest, so definitely better odds for a good satellite signal. Not thrilled that it’s a state park, but there was no entrance fee and they were only $5 a night more than the National Forest (unless they give us a senior discount-sometimes they don’t when it’s a busy horse camp like this one), and both have water and electric, something I’ve started to get spoiled to have, especially when the nights are chilly and we want to run the fireplace (yes, we have an electric fireplace, it does a great job keeping the whole place warm). Depending on the weather, we may still go to the National Forest after Robbers Cave, or run further south if the temps start dropping again. Meanwhile, we spent the day watching football and relaxing today. Oh, and I lost 0.6 pounds this morning. So for the 5-day Nutrisystem plan I bought at Walmart, I lost 2.6 pounds. Ate the same way today, though with my own food, so maybe I’ll go down again tomorrow. Lots of energy, though, so I’m persuading Hubby to go on it with me, he’s been spending too much time sleeping lately. Who says sleeping is harder when you get older? He’s 79 and he can still sleeps 10-11 hours a night! Meanwhile, a sunny day got cloudy, and VERY windy today, something we’ll apparently have to deal with tomorrow, as it’s from the south, and is gusting up to 30 mph! Not my favorite driving weather, but there’s rain coming in tomorrow night, and all day Tuesday and most of Wednesday (just like last week), so we want to be well settled in by the evening. With the change of clocks last night, that means a REALLY early start!

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