Sunday, May 22, 2022 – Half Busy, Half Lazy Day

Hi Sweetie!
Woke up really early this morning, read for a bit, then got up with the intention of making this a day off, then realized I’d feel too darn guilty if I didn’t do at least some jobs today before I settled down. I started out moving the horses to another paddock near the barn after I inspected it for rosary pea plants. I’ve decided to rotate them every day or two, partly to save hay and partly to get the paddocks mowed down. All the weeds are just about to pop seeds, and the regular mowers are now apparently on their summer schedule, which is monthly from what I hear. Ridiculous! During the winter when it was so dry the grass hardly grew, they mowed it every week whether it needed it or not. Now that it’s started to rain and the grass and weeds are growing like crazy, they only mow it monthly! I don’t know who makes these decisions, but they don’t make much sense! Anyway, I’ve decided I’m going to have to mow these paddocks before all the weeds go to seed, or they’re just going to get worse. Just not today! Then I finished putting the tractor battery back together. Yesterday I had cleaned the terminals and put it on the charger, this morning they were fully charged, and it started right up after I hooked it up, thank goodness. I’m still going to take the BeatIt! charger with me for awhile, just to be on the safe side. After that, I decided to change the fuel filter in the truck. Even though it’s supposed to be good for 15K miles and it only had about 10K, it’s definitely been not starting right, so maybe I just got some bad fuel somewhere along the line. Anyway, that took me longer than I anticipated, the most time-consuming part was figuring out which way to turn the darn thing (it’s backwards coming from the top, which my brain just couldn’t wrap around for some reason), and getting one of my three different oil wrenches on it. I finally managed it, but it took a lot longer than it should have. It was just after noon when I wrapped everything up and got all my tools put away, so then I was ready to enjoy a guilt-free afternoon of doing nothing but binge-watch Supernatural and do some laundry, which is exactly what I did! I did have one digression, someone made a mess in one of the bathrooms that I had to go clean up, not much fun there. Otherwise, it was a nice quiet afternoon and evening, looking forward to my shower and clean sheets! Good night, my darling! Love you!

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