Sunday, March 5, 2023 – Another Very Lazy Day

Hiya Sweetie,
I’m happy to report that by this morning, my possum friend had departed, I trust he wasn’t too injured, if at all, but he was definitely gone, so no emergency to be handled there! Other than that, had another day of not much happening. I did manage to get Jeff to help me get my microwave out, turns out the screws that hold it on are VERY long, that go from front to back, not from the top down, thank goodness! I was afraid I might have to tear out some of the woodworking to get to it, but not so! Now the trick will be to find another microwave with the same kind of mounting capability, that’s going to take a lot more research, I think. Another hot day, today, too darn hot to ride or do almost anything outside except maybe be in the pool, and for some reason, I’ve just not been in the mood too much for that. I did take Lola over for a while and let her swim and fetch, but not for too long. Read, watched TV, ready for bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

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