Sunday, June 18, 2023 – Rest and Prep Day

Hey Sweetie,
I did indeed get back on my ride schedule, I woke up juast after 5:00, fully rested! I laid in, though, and read, and occasionally drifted off again, luxuriating while putting some deposits in my sleep bank. Finally got going around 8:00, did my usual chores, then spent some time packing up as much as I could, refilling all my water tanks, helping some neighbors do the same, packed up all my tack and gear for tomorrow, and generally got all prepped up. Jeff B. has arranged for a special trip for us on a nearby river paddle boat that tours the river, just $10 a person, a minimum of 20 people. Many more than that raised their hands when he mentioned it last night, so it would have been a nice way to spend an hour this afternoon on the water, except that when we got there (me in my truck and everyone else on the bus), it turned out the boat had a transmission problem and wouldn’t be able to take us, darn it! Well, the rest of them loaded back up on the bus and went into Oscoda, evidently to happy hour someplace (I’ll get the story tomorrow), and I headed over to Sandy and Bill Wirley’s for dinner. I wasn’t sure I would have time to go, but after the boat got cancelled, I had plenty of time. A quick stop at Walmart to top off my gas tank, then a very nice dinner and chat at Wirley’s, then back to camp in time to hook up and attend the riders meeting, now I’m ready for my shower and bed, nice and early. Jeff B plugged my book again, and I sold a bunch of copies, I’m down to my very last case of books! Whoo-hoo! Not sure if I’m going to get a reprint of the same book or make some changes. We’ll see. Anyway, good night, baby! Love you!

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