Sunday, July 3, 2022 – Busy Morning, Big Afternoon Storm

Hi Darlin’,
Another good night sleep, yay! Was up by 7:30, did my chores, started a load of laundry, but before I got to breakfast, the two women who are here equestrian camping mentioned their horses weren’t drinking much because the water is smelly. We had to shut down the carbon filter and water softener on the old pump last week because of problems, so the water is till getting chlorinated, but it just started smelling bad, like most Florida well water does. So I offered to bring my truck over and fill their buckets out of the tank in the back, since I had already filled it with good water when the pump quit working (before we bypassed everything), and that took a little bit of time. I had considered going riding on Apollo this morning, but it got too late for that, which is fine, I might go tomorrow. Finally got back for breakfast, then got busy with a bunch of little chores and housework. Started doing some laundry, emptied and flushed the blackwater tank, put a new snap for the bug screen skirting that had come off a few weeks ago, burned some old mail and paperwork, and did a little housework, all before noon. Did my rounds, checked on the girls’ horses and saw they were drinking now, and evidently feeling much better, thank goodness, then did some computer work, settled down for the afternoon, grateful I have air conditioning! Had a camper that just bought a tent and didn’t know how to put it up, and she came over and asked for help, so I went to help her. Right after we got it up, we had a terrific thunderstorm come in, even had lightning strike a tree right here in camp, and had quite a bit of heavy rain, the worst since I’ve been here, I think. Welcome to July in Florida! Had another equestrian camper show up, worried that her neighbor was going to be shooting off firecrackers all weekend, didn’t want her horses to get spooked. Then the first two ladies mentioned wanting to go over to Lake Okeechobee to watch the sunset, and I offered to drive so they wouldn’t have to unhook from their trailers, and with the sky still full of clouds, it was quite spectacular. Haven’t really watched a sunset in a long time, so I’m glad we went. Got back to camp and settled down for what was left of the evening. Just about ready for shower and bed! Hoping to ride Apollo tomorrow, short enough to take Lola with me. For now, good night, sweetie! Love you!

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