Sunday, July 10, 2022 – Another Productive Day

Hiya Babe!
Had a good night sleep, which is always welcome after a busy work day, but woke up refreshed and ready to get some more work done. I finished installing another seven posts, plus I moved an old one to where it would be more useful. I’m absolutely loving having that auger on the tractor, that baby just makes a hole like nobody’s business! It’s a lot longer than the hand one we were using yesterday, so the posts are in a lot deeper, which is my preference, plus it’s so much easier with the weight of the thing being able to really get onto it. I had all that done in no time, and that included coming back to camp and picking up a couple more posts. Then I parked the trailer and loaded up the truck with all of the posts that need to be put out on the green trail and staged them along the way, so tomorrow, all I have to do is run out there with the tractor and plop them in. I’m actually quite pleased with how well I’m adjusting to the weather here, despite the temps and the humidity, I’m really not bothered too much by the heat. Of course, I’m trying to be finished before it gets too later, and I was done with everything by a bit after 1:00, and of course, my truck is air conditioned, so that doesn’t even count. I settled down in the afternoon, did some laundry, but then in the evening, I saw some rain coming in, so I got the little mower out and did my tiny yard outside my trailer. The mowers came yesterday so the rest of the place looks great, needed to tidy my yard to match. Got into a brief argument with a camper, who I generously let come in a day early, but was expecting to leave a day early to stay within her eight day limit, but she didn’t see it that way. In fact, she was trying to tell me she could stay 30 days, but I informed her that’s not the way it worked. Why can’t people just follow the rules? It’s the worst part of the job, people taking advantage of your generosity, then giving you crap about it later. Grrr! Really was hoping this campground would be empty during the summer, but it hasn’t turned out that way. Anyway, had a quiet evening otherwise, ready for shower and bed. Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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