Sunday, January 8, 2023 – A Quiet Day with a Little Furniture Rearranging

Hiya Babe,
Slept late because I woke up a few times during the night, but felt fine this morning. My neighbors’ horse recovered fine overnight, though they were worried because when they looked out at 4:00 a.m, he was laying down, and they thought he was done. He was just sleeping, though, not surprising after the workout he had. He loaded up fine and seemed recovered, so they left this morning. Did my chores, then did some thinking about rearranging the furniture. These two recliners we’ve had since the Open Range are over 10 years old now, and they’re really showing their wear. The motor on one quite working as well. I started thinking about how we had added extra storage under a dog bed in the dining area, so I dragged the non-working chair outside and put Lola’s bed in that space, which means the laundry room suddenly looks a lot bigger. I did some research to see what kind of drawers or chests or cabinets I can put in her to raise up her bed and give me some extra storage. I would love to put all those beverages from under the kitchen table somewhere where they can’t be seen, and just give this place a tidier look. Not positive what I’m going to do yet, but I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow so I’ll stop at Home Depot to see what I can come up with. Probably will look to change the other chair out as well, just because it looks pretty ratty. Anyway, finally settled down for the afternoon and evening, heading to shower and bed shortly. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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