Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015 – Last Minute Travel Day to Sugar Hill near Watkins Glen

Though we had originally planned on leaving for Sugar Hill tomorrow, the weather forecast has deteriorated, with now a 60% chance of rain tomorrow, so we made the last minute decision to head out today, even though we’re paid through tomorrow. Got packed up in no time, and were out the driveway at about 1:00, with several stops along the way. Walmart in Geneseo to pick up Hubby’s Rx, then Travel Centers of America in Dansville for fuel, propane and to dump (never again!) They had a lock on the dump, and a different lock on the water, and no hose to rinse away the spillage! They only gave us the key to the dump, so that meant another trip for another key, so we didn’t bother, particularly since there was no hose without dragging on of ours out. That and the fact that there was a broken down car sitting in front of the dump, which the staff had to push out of the way. What a mess! The dump was $5 besides! The only good thing was the propane was the best price I could find around, just $2.39 gallon, which is still high compared to other states, but a lot less than anywhere else I could find along the way. By the time we made stops, and then my GPS sent us to the south side of the forest instead of the north side, which added another 20 minutes or so (I should have checked it more closed, mea culpa), we finally arrived right at 5:00. Fortunately our “usual” spot was open, and most of the rest of the campground was clear except along the edge of the trees to the west, where there was only 2 or 3 trailers, only one of which was a horse trailer. Hubby could even still see the outline on the grass of where we had the satellite dish before, so setup was a breeze! We put the horses on their anchors to graze for a while, and settled down for our usual evening routine.

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