Sunday, Aug. 18, 2013 – More Like a Rest Day

Other than waking up to the applause of the awards ceremony that started about 8:30 am, today was a bit more like a rest day. I indulged in sleeping a little later, had pancakes for breakfast, and the only real chores we did was to get ready for our departure tomorrow. I was hoping to give the horses a quick washdown with some of the leftover water we had, but discovered that one of the barrels had been leaking, so we didn’t want to chance using it up for that. We gave them a good fly spray anyway, then settled down for the evening. We considered going for a short ride today, but Hubby’s hip was still a bit sore from one of his falls the other day, and I’m still feeling a bit tired as well, not having really had a day off yet. Besides, we’ve now ridden in three different place in North Dakota, so I guess we can say we’ve done the state now! Oddly, quite a few campers came in during the evening, surprising since usually on Sunday everyone leaves and we end up with the place to ourselves. Furthermore, they all seemed to want to park near us, rather than in the many other empty spots in the park. Weird! Looking forward to the Black Hills next week!

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