Sunday, April 21, 2024 – Rainy Work Day

Hey Babe,
Today would have been the perfect day to have a rainy Sunday, but alas, it was not to be. I was up early with the alarm, over to the clubhouse by 8:30, breakfast, awards ceremony, then on the road with Patsy all day picking up most of the signs. There were still a few left we couldn't get to, and at one point we got stuck and had to be rescued by one of the other volunteers, Calvin. We were climbing a hill on clay that turned out to be as slick as ice, and Patsy fishtailed until she got stuck along the side where all the rain had been guttering down. Took almost an hour to be rescued, but fortunately, it only took a little tug from Calvin's truck to get us out. We carried on our merry way, picked up a bunch more signs, finally got back to camp at nearly 4:00. Helped myself to leftovers in the kitchen (I have enough hot dogs to last a month!), got the horses fed, including some good handfuls of wet alfalfa that was leftover at one of the hospitality spots that we picked up, and finally settled down for dinner and a movie, with George Clooney and J-Lo. I can feel my body doing it's usual crash after the exertion of many days of exertion in a row, and now I'm crashing. Not sure what's going to happen this week, but I'm definitely not doing anything tomorrow but the bare minimum. Can't wait to get into bed, the temps, which yesterday morning were pushing the upper 80's, have plummeted, with temps forecast in the mid-40's overnight, so I'm looking forward to a hot shower and a good, long night sleep, especially now that the camp is practically empty, and no generators around. Whew! What a day! A quick Spanish lesson and I'm off to my shower and bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

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