Sunday, April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday, Not The Day Off I Intended!

Hiya Sweetie!
Well the rain started coming in early this morning, and it looked like it was going to sock us in all day, so I intended to relax today, but other things took precedence. I started listing more stuff on Marketplace, and started getting answers immediately, which surprised my a bit given that it is Easter Sunday. Of course, with the pandemic, all the churches are closed, so I guess everyone’s staying at home on the computer! Regardless, I got responses to the MG, but more pictures were required, then I got someone interested in the air compressor, and at the last minute they wanted to meet in Viola (at a new Dollar Store they just build down there, would you believe), so I went to the house, took more pictures, loaded up the air compressor and headed down to Viola, where I met the guy and sold the compressor. I headed back to camp after that, and literally spent the rest of the afternoon on the computer listing items, then responding to the plethora of responses that I received all day. I have a long list of things I need to do, people to meet, items to deliver and so on, so tomorrow is going to be a very busy day! I did some laundry, too, just for fun. It rained practically non-stop all day long, and was lucky to have about a five minute break just to let Lola outside before her bedtime before it started up again. Lots of wind earlier, but most of the day was just rain, rain, rain. So my day off turned into a busy day, but the good news is, I’ll be selling a lot of stuff tomorrow, for which I am very grateful. I even have a guy driving down from KY to look at the MGB, so maybe I’ll even be able to give that a new life, which would be much preferable to sitting around in Jeff’s yard for who know how long. No offense to Jeff, he just doesn’t have the room to store it or the money and time to restore it, so I’d rather see is on the road in good hands. This guy apparently does this as a serious hobby, so fingers crossed he’ll take it. Anyway, time for my shower and bed! Gotta get up early tomorrow! Good night, my love!

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