Sunday, April 10, 2022 – Oil Change on the Generator

Hey Darlin’,
Had a great night sleep, nice and cool, only woke up once and had to read myself back to sleep for a bit, but ended up getting about 10 much needed hours. Woke up refreshed and ready to go! Didn’t want to overdo it though, thought I would maybe take the day off, but you know me, I can’t sit still very long, so I decided to change the oil in the generator. Did it in stages, though, letting it warm up, then waiting to drain it for awhile before finishing it off. Really glad I bought a special little oil filter wrench, one that fits on a ratchet and spins three “fingers” around the base, got it out with no problem. It was much easier than last time when I had “help,” before I discovered there’s a little drain cock that simplified things. Didn’t take too long, but did stretch it out over a few hours. Steve gave me the keys to everything and we walked around a bit to some of the new campers so I can get a feel for being a campground host. Will probably move over tomorrow afternoon after I run some errands in the morning, or maybe wait until Tuesday, since it’s staying on the cooler side and I don’t need AC yet, though I will be later in the week. Looks like I’ll barely fit in that host spot! I think I’ll move the horses over into a shadier paddock as well, just to be closer, and to give their paddock a chance to recover. Finished up making the last .kml files for James, so he should have everything he needs now to finish the map, though we need to discuss how it will finally look. I also am going to see if I can put some safety suggestions on the back, I learned a lot about what will help First Responders find a lost rider, and I’d like to share those on the map. Otherwise a fairly quiet day, gorgeous day really, having gotten down into the 40’s last night and only up to the low 70’s with a nice breeze today. Finally settled down for dinner, only to have Steve interrupt me so I can check someone in, since he’s already mentally checked out. Can’t blame him! I’m sure I won’t be quite as fastidious as Steve, but I’ll do my best to get the job done. Anyway, time for shower and bed, so good night, babe! Love you!

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