Saturday, September 11, 2021 – Ride Day on Flash

Hi Darlin’,
Had my usual morning, then saddled up and went on about an 8.5 mile ride on Flash. Rather than have a set plan, though, I decided to uncharacteristically wing it today. I’ve seen so many trails that aren’t on the map, trails that are on one version of the map and not another, all kinds of confusing stuff, but since I’m bored with the marked trails, we got a bit adventurous. We headed out on the trail to someplace called Murder Mountain. Not sure why, not sure I want to know way, but it was pretty short anyway, and essentially just went out to the end of a ridge where you have a good view of the gravel pit that sits pretty much in the middle of all of this property. After that we headed in the general direction of the creek, until I decided to try to find the “blue connector” that Chad has spoken about last night, because I wanted to see this new staging area they’ve put together. The advantage of that is that it’s more in the middle of the property rather than all the way on one side like the campground, and frankly, it’s level so it would make a better campground, but I gather that’s not in the cards right now. Anyway, I managed to find it, but whether it was the right trail the entire way, I have no idea, since there’s a lot of unmarked trails out here. Anyway, from there we had to come back down Camp Road (too much road riding here!), but then we went on the new Ridge Trail, because I suspected when I went on it the other day with that other group, a chunk had been cut out when the leader went around a downed tree, turns out I was right. There’s a whole stretch with another overlook (also mostly of the gravel pit) that was missed the first time. We started out with boots on Flash, but then I got the impression he wasn’t happy about it, so I took them off, and sure enough, there was chafing on one of his bulbs again. He was happier after that. I hope with ten plus days off after this he’ll finally grow a callous, or I’m going to have to do something drastic to stretch these boots out. The only alternative is to try another boot, I’m thinking Scoot boots next time, they apparently don’t enclose the bulbs at all. Anyway, we got back to camp just fine, then I read most of the rest of the day. Trying to store up some energy, it’s going to be a busy day breaking down tomorrow, a long drive on Monday, then the rest of the week is going to be busy with me traveling out to Vegas for a job. So that’s it for today, my love! Good night!

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