Saturday, September 11, 2010 – Another Fabulous Ride

 Hubby woke up feeling almost 100 percent this morning, confirming our decision to wait to ride was the right one. After a big breakfast, we saddled up and headed east to take the Dinosaur Lake Trail, which started east of the park entrance and wound around near the Windmill Farm, which our horses found a bit curious at first, but after a few good long looks, they carried on, taking them all in stride. It was another fabulous ride! The Spikes Peak trail, which we connected to from the Canyon Loop, starts at the highest peak of the property and then runs along the ridge line all the way back to camp, providing a long series of spectacular views that never got boring. If you want great views, the feel of wide open spaces while at the same time having an everchanging hilly view rather than the tedium of the plains, this is the place! Definitely high on our list of best places!

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