Saturday, March 6, 2021 – Recovery Day Two

Hi Babe,
Woke up again in the middle of the night, took another pain killer, then managed to get back to sleep again for most of the night. Spent the day doing next to nothing except taking my pills and icing my knee down, which I’m hoping will set me up on a good road to recovery. Jeff and James looked after the horses, and I never left the trailer, just reading and watching TV all day and night. Another day like this tomorrow and I’ll have finished most of the pills the doctors prescribed for me, so by then I should know whether I hurt anything with my fall on Thursday. Didn’t need the walking stick quite as much today, trying to put a bit more weight on it like they wanted, walked up and down the trailer a few times just to gently work it, don’t need it to get too stiff. Had a few stomach cramps off and on. A cold front came through, lots of rain and the temps dropped so much I had to put the fireplace on. Heading off to be early to read some more, hoping for an even better night sleep, trying to get back to normal as much as possible. So good night, sweetie! Love you!

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