Saturday, March 25, 2023 – Microwave Installed!

Hey Baby!
Took a long while to get to sleep, just as I suspected since I didn’t do anything physical to tire me out yesterday, then ended up sleeping a bit later, as usual. Then I got a text from Jeff C. that he was on his way to install my microwave. He arrived before 9:30, and after he and brother Jeff had their morning libations, they began the job at about 10:00. I think they thought it would only take a few hours, but it was nearly 8:00 by the time they finished. It was rather entertaining, actually, because every modification they tried to make resulted in more issues that required more modifications that required more fixes, etc., etc., etc., until it was finally done. I did my best to keep quiet (though it was hard!), and just be happy with the fact that eventually it would get done, and it was. I spent another half hour cleaning up and putting everything away again, and I must say, it looks pretty nice. It’s a lovely microwave, two inches wider than my last one, and has a number of features that my old one didn’t have, like two different light levels, two different fan levels, and a kitchen timer that will be a lot more precise than the one on my refrigerator magnet. Glad that job’s done! Only big job left now to do before I leave are the brakes on the trailer, and I hope that it will get done by the end of the week, or maybe during the week that I’m gone. I hope so, because I’m planning on leaving the following week, start heading north since it’s getting too darn hot down here now. Most nights are only getting down to the low 70’s overnight, and that’s too warm for me. Anyway, finally settled down with a nightcap and a Remington Steele, soon to shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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