Saturday, June 4, 2022 – Unexpected Lazy Day

Hi Darlin’,
Well, once again the weather forecast was way off. It was predicting lots of rain and strong winds for most of the day, so I hadn’t planned on getting out on the trails at all, but all we ended up with was a few sprinkles in the morning, clearing up in the afternoon, with no discernable winds at all! So it was kind of a wasted day, though I have to say, I’m feeling much more rested and will definitely be raring to go tomorrow. I figured out about how many posts I’ll need to mark the trails here, and I’ve decided to paint the tops the color of the trails for now, at least until I can get some arrows and numbers for them. It’s a start! Other than that, I pretty much just read and binge-watched the rest of the day. I had cordoned off the horses to they couldn’t get through the barn and let them have the run of the entire back section of paddocks, lots of grass back there, so I’m saving a lot of hay right now. Last weekend, a couple turned in some credit cards they had found by the back fence and when I went to look up who they belonged to, it looked like they might have a guy that was actually killed out in Hungryland back in March. Not sure if it’s the same guy, but I called the Sheriff’s office and had them come pick them up, just in case. Otherwise a quiet day, only two campers left, so not much to do. So, time for shower and bed, as soon as I finish my tea! Good night, baby! Love you!

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