Saturday, June 13, 2015 – Runaround Day

After determining we were both too tired and it was too hot to take a ride, and noticing now that the horses were in separate stalls that Hubby’s mare wasn’t eating her alfalfa hardly at all, I brought the horses down by the campsite so they could eat some fresh grass, then took a road trip to do some shopping, picking up several different types of hay, hoping to find one Clio would like. A hay grower sold me Timothy and gave me a quarter bale of orchard grass, and I bought another bale of “local” alfalfa, at least according to the store I bought it from, but it didn’t look like any alfalfa I’ve ever seen, looked more like orchard grass, but the hay guy did indicate local alfalfa looks different from western alfalfa (though the stuff we bought in Texas was from Michigan!) so I took it anyway. The more I look at it though, the more convinced I am it’s not alfalfa. Anyway, when I got back I put a flake of all four types down on the ground and let Clio sniff and pick, and she started chowing down on the “local” alfalfa. That was a relief, at least it wasn’t her appetite that was the problem, now we just have to settle on some kind of forage for her, though I’m still confused as to which it is that she likes! She ignored the Timothy completely, picked a little at the original alfalfa, but seemed to tuck in okay on the other two. Hopefully we can find some more of whatever it is! Got gas and some groceries while I was out, so we’re good to go on the next leg of our journey.

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