Saturday, June 10, 2023 – Day Six-DONE! Happy 34th Anniversary!

Hi Sweetie!
Happy 34th Anniversary! Celebrated in the best way possible, on horseback for miles in the woods! Ended up at South Branch, where you and I came way back in July 2013. Remember we rode to the Bear Store for ice cream? Where they had a little zoo? Also ran across some ORVers because I guess we got on the wrong trail. Anyway, it was a beautiful ride today, I can understand why this is everyone’s favorite section of trail. No road riding, paralleled the Au Sable River most of the way, lots of little bridges to cross, water access, great footing, everything you could want on a ride! It was billed as 28 miles, but according to my GPS, it came in at just under 25, so I actually arrived in camp an hour before I was expecting! That was a good thing, though, because I had to unhook and go into town for fuel, I wasn’t able to get any in Luzerne the other day (they weren’t open when I went by), and I’m getting too low for comfort, so I ran into Hale (past the Bear Store!) to get gas and power steering fluid, plus some ice for Sam G. Got back, took the trash to the dumpster (first campground to have one!), then hooked back up again to be ready to go in the morning. Flash was great today, though he had so much energy starting off, he wanted to race after every horse in front of him. Eventually, I just had to let him run himself out, which took a couple of miles, then we mostly stayed away from other folks just to stay settled. Made good time, though! Made soup for dinner, went to the riders meeting, now I’m wrapping up for the evening. Good night, my darlin’! Still love you after all these years!

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