Saturday, February 4, 2012 – Ride Day

Started the day with new stretching exercises recommended by Hubby’s new doctor (we’re doing them together, because a good stretch always make me feel better too!), then eventually after breakfast and a couple of chores, we headed out with the horses to the Hungryland WMA, this time insisting that Apollo take the first downhill part of the canal crossover with me riding him instead of me leading him as I had done in the past. Took a little time, but eventually he overcame his reluctance and plunged down and up again, no sweat! Hubby and Clio followed quickly afterward, and then, for some reason, neither one wanted to take another stop. We urged and urged, but they were really reticent. Obviously there was something in the wind they didn’t like, (or maybe it was just that they are already bored with this trail) but eventually, we managed to get them moving. We turned off the main road shortly, wanting to explore some new trails, and it was obvious from the length of the grass (belly high) that it was not used very often. We only got about half a mile along a canal before we came across water over the trail. Not being familiar with it, we decided not to go through the water, as it looked swampy for as far as we could see, and turned around. We took a couple of branches and ran into more water, until we finally found one trail that got us back to the main road with only a minor water crossing. We kept on the main road until the pavilion, where the parking lot was full, apparently some kind of bike event. We tried to go out the back end of the parking lot and along a fence, and again ran into a swamp. We turned around and tried going in another direction, but the grass was so high we turned around again. Some hikers told us that one trail let to another canal, which likely had a trail along it (like pretty much all canals around here), but we decided we’d been out long enough and headed back. We had no problem getting back out over the canal. It was a nice ride, though a bit frustrating at times, but a good three hours out was good for everyone! Relaxed for a couple of hours before starting on dinner. I had offered to make dinner for him and his girlfriend, so I began prepping the salmon, slicing tomatoes, cleaning green beans, added some wild rice to the menu, and enjoyed a very nice meal when they got home. We spent the evening with them for a bit, then headed back to the RV for an abbreviated evening of TV.

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