Hi Sweetie,
Had a great night sleep, the field got progressively more and more filled with trailers today, as expected. There was supposed to be an organized ride into the woods across the street but it was canceled at the last minute, so three of us, Lynda, Wendy and I, took a short ride around the field a few times just to stretch our horses’ legs, plus I wanted to try out the Flexbooks I got delivered yesterday. I don’t know if I was doing something wrong when I put them on, but they kept falling off, despite readjusting them multiple times, at every gait, so I won’t be wearing those during the ride! Flash was full of pep, guess maybe I shouldn’t have been giving him the high energy hay until we started the ride. I have a feeling I’m going to be fighting him a lot, at least on the first day, as he tries to get to the front. I foresee lots of little circles in my future! I just hope he doesn’t get so crazy that he gets impossible! Anyway, I got all the information they gave out when I checked in this morning, still left a lot of gaps of knowledge, had to ask some questions, didn’t always get full answers, so a lot of guesswork going on at the moment. All I know at the moment is that we are moving trailers just after 7:00 tomorrow, and have to be parked and ready to get on their shuttle by 8:00, but the drive is only about 20 minutes, and I have to tie Flash to a livestock trailer while I’m gone. I guess the rest we’ll just play by ear. Chatted with my neighbors a bit, skipped the dinner and ate back in my trailer, settled down early to have a relaxing evening, now I’m ready for a super quick shower and bed, so I’ll be up and at ’em first thing. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!
Saturday, February 19, 2022 – Relaxing Prep Day Before Cracker Trail Ride
February 19, 2022 By Leave a Comment
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