Saturday, December 31, 2022 – Well Shelter Finished, Then Took Ill

Hiya Darlin’,
The day started out busy, with the volunteers starting on the shelter around 9:00, and James and I going over to the maintenance yard to exchange gates so we can replace a bent one on one of the paddocks. Then suddenly, in mid-afternoon, I started feeling like I was getting chills, like shivering under my skin, so I came back to the trailer and after a while, crawled into bed. I alternated between chills and sweats, and didn’t get out of bed at all. Carol was kind enough to feed my horses for me, so I was able to stay in bed. I haven’t been sick in so long, this is really a bummer. Loaded up on liquids and am staying in bed. Good night, Sweetie! Love you!

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