Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 – Ride Day and Trail Marking at Goethe

After getting to better know which trails will be used for the endurance race next weekend, Jo asked me to do some preliminary marking if I had the chance, so I started out on Apollo, marking the first sections of the trail as requested. I also scouted out the last mile on the return, but wasn't sure what she wanted, so left it unmarked for the time being, until I get clarification. Then I went back, had some brunch, and saddled up Flash so I could ride the whole 14-mile ride section to make sure it was the right length and to check any areas that might need further clearing. I missed a loop cutoff on the orange trail, but I was able to fix that on Google Earth to make the right measurement, and it turned out just right. I made mental notes of areas that needed to be tidied up or, if possible, have the trail dragged to get rid of some serious ruts, and reported that all back to Jo. Flash was a bit less frantic on this ride, though he did keep up a good pace. I'm hoping he'll be fit enough for next weekend! It's been such a long time since I've spent so many hours in the saddle on one day, it felt GREAT! This is really a nice Forest, and my only criticism is that they only mark the trails going in one direction, so if you happen to start off going the other way, you won't see any markers except at intersections, so it gets a little scary and uncertain at times. I remembered this from our last time out here when we rode down at Tidewater and how annoying that was, not sure why they do it that way. Anyway, it was a fabulous day, and finally warm enough for Hubby to sit outside in the screen room all day reading, so he hardly missed me. Got back and settled down for the evening, another satisfying day on the road!

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