Saturday, August 20, 2022 – Ride on Flash, Found Another Trail!

Hey Darlin’,
Getting used to getting up between 7:00 and 7:30 these days, fed the horses, then immediately brought Flash over and saddled him up. Grabbed a quick breakfast, then headed out just after 8:00. I wanted to check out a couple of trails to see if I can get the tractor in them, yes on two and no on one, so as long as we don’t have too much rain in the near future, I’ll be doing just a bit more mowing in some spots. You won’t believe this, but I found another section on the red trail that I’ve never been on or even noticed before! It’s a cutoff of sorts, takes out a corner, but it’s nice and shady, so I’m going to have to map it and mow it and put markers on the intersections now. Read and relaxed for a bit, then eventually headed over to Jeff’s for Karl’s last full day, they were working on his big Dodge and doing a few other mechanical things which I watched for a bit, then got into my bathing suit and Lola and I took a swim for awhile. We still had stuff left from the party last weekend, so we cooked some burgers and finished off a few things. I finally left around 7:30 to get back to camp before dark, a beautiful sky as I was driving in. Did my rounds, then settled down for the evening, though I’m pretty ready to go to bed early! Feel like it’s been a long, busy and strenuous week for some reason, so I’m planning on taking the day off completely tomorrow. Good night, my sweet! Love you!

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