Saturday, Aug. 31, 2019 – Post Office Trip and Ride Day

Got up and out early today, headed down to the Richmond Post Office where I've had several packages delivered (2 out of 3 had arrived), discovered there was NO cell phone data service in town, not even a library or cafe with wifi, so I headed back toward camp. When I got to the top of a hill just outside town, though, I noticed 4G on my phone, so I pulled into a church parking lot right at the summit and had a fabulous signal there. I spent about 45 minutes or so sending off email, uploading pictures to my diary, doing some planning and research for our travels later in the month, and general housekeeping on my computer before heading back to camp. Since we had the day dialysis free, I decided to take a longer ride today, but my plans changed a bit when an organizer from one of the local horse groups that help maintain the trails told me that they were doing trail work today on the trail I was planning to ride (Logan/Red), and that they had had reports of a number of trees down along that trail, so I decided to explore the other side of the park instead. I saddled Flash and we headed down Hillside to the lake, then took Lakeside trail counter-clockwise around the south side of that lake. That led me past the dam that created the lake, past the ball fields, then up into the woods on the other side of the road for a bit, then back across the road to the parking lot and beach area. From there I connected to the yellow trail, which turned out to be the most treacherous trail yet, very narrow, a bit slippery, and with quite a number of trees and brush to traverse around. Eventually that led me up the hill to some wider trails, back around on the green campground trail, where Flash steered VERY wide of the hole he had stepped into the other day, then back across the campground to the trail that led to the old horse camp, which had a surprising number of sites, though unkempt. Rather than take the same trail back to camp, I decided to follow the driveway out to confirm what I already thought, it came out at the playground area. A nice canter up the hill to camp (passing Lola's lost chucker on the way!), and we finished a lovely ride, about 6.5 miles, though I accidently lost the GPS info by closing the app before it synced, though I thought I had done that before and it saved it, but this time it went missing somehow. Anyway, after putting Flash away, I walked Lola down to get her chucker, which she had evidently carried down there when some kids were playing in the playground, then I taught her to go down slides and through the tunnels that make up the jungle gym. We settled down for the afternoon, reading and watching TV as the clouds started rolling in. Rain in the forecast for tomorrow!

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