Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013 – Rest and Logistics Day

Spent the day today resting and working out logistics for the next couple of stops. With Labor Day coming up, we need to be someplace where we can reserve a spot, particularly since we’ll be in the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore area, which is likely to be packed with tourists as the summer comes to an unofficial end. Is that possible? It seems like we just got started, and summer’s almost gone already! Thank goodness we don’t have to stop just because of the dates on the calendar, though, there’s a lot of good riding left this year, and as long as we can find 65-70 degrees, we’ll be riding! Made reservations at both Iron Horse and Willow Creek for Labor Day week, just to be on the safe side, which should give us an opportunity to ride up to Mt. Rushmore from Iron Horse, and the rest of the wilderness from Willow Creek. Hubby and I couldn’t agree on which one to go to, so we decided to do both, a decision made easy by the lack of sites available at Iron Horse : -). Hubby napped and read while I slaved away on my computer, thankful again for a signal just good enough for my USB aircard (with supplemental antenna) to pick up a decent internet signal. In the afternoon it started raining, pretty heavy at times, with quite a bit of wind, and we got out the rain sheet for Clio, she was shivering from the cool breeze, although it didn’t seem to bother Apollo one bit (true, he does have a bit more fat on him…) Just before sunset, the clouds moved out, leaving behind a spectacular rainbow and a fantastic sunset, etching some beautiful images both in my mind and on my digital camera (and now, on the internet!) Fantastic! Later on, when it was nice and clear, I went out for a bit to look for constellations and shooting stars (we’re entering the Perseus meteor shower window), but I got too cold too fast and didn’t see anything. Had a much deserved and relaxing evening.

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