Saturday, April 20, 2024 – Ride In The Pines Day

Hiya, Darlin'!
The day has finally arrived, and, for the most part, the preparation has paid off. No one got lost, nobody, horse or rider, got injured. One guy got stuck at a crew point, and some poor communication had him sitting out there a lot longer than he needed to be. We had hot, humid weather most of the day, until some severe thunderstorms came in and got everything drenched and a lot of equipment wrecked with the wind and the rain. Several bouts of that didn't help much. My main job today was to ride the blue trail and turn on the little LED lights that Becky had installed a few days ago, every tenth of a mile for 16 miles, by pulling a tiny tab on the battery. Flash and I had that done in about 3 1/2 hours, helped along by every rider that zoomed past us, which made Flash want to zoom out with them, so we made good time, even with all the stops. If it weren't for the rain, I think just about everything would have gone smoothly. As we approach 11:00, there are still four riders out, three on the final loop and one on the second to last loop, but it's questionable whether she'll pass the next vet check and make the final loop, meaning she may take another 3-4 hours to finish the last loop at the rate she's going. Nevertheless, the vet check is still open with enough help that Chelle and I decided we could go to bed, since so many of the team will be dragging in the morning as they wait for the last riders to come in. Once I got back from my ride, I spent most of the day just hanging around, taxiing people around and filling in where needed, so not really a taxing day, which was a relief. As the night dragged on, I did my Spanish lesson, and I'm heading for the shower as soon as I finish my bourbon! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

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