Saturday, April 18, 2020 – Day at the House

Hi Sweetie,
Well, another busy day. When will I ever get a day off? I got a lousy night sleep, not because of Lola, she was surprisingly good last night, but because I was so aggravated, then rain came in, and though I slept for a few hours, then I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep until much later. I got up early with the alarm because I wanted to bank this check first thing, I certainly didn’t want to be running around with THAT for long, and because it was so large they had to get clearance from the main office, etc., etc., so I had to wait longer than usual. Afterward I headed straight to the house because I wanted to get started. I put a bunch of ads up in Marketplace and was getting a pretty good response, but mostly, I wanted to move everything into the garage like the new owner asked me to. I’m hoping he’ll be lenient on how long I can store my stuff there, it’s tough with all the consignment stores closed. Then neighbor Sherri came over and helped me move a lot of stuff, and we had most of it done by the time the new owner showed up at 1:30. There were a few large pieces that he and his guys helped with, so just about everything got out. I also spent some time cleaning. Our so-called renters had a much different idea of what clean meant, and I spent over an hour on just the stove. I think they must have used it every day for three months and NEVER wiped it down, it was that bad. There was so much grease and fat on the broiler I’m surprised it didn’t start a fire. I had to use a screw driver to pry the burners up, they were stuck down on the stove. I’m going to take some oven cleaner with me tomorrow to finish it off. I’m hoping to get some more stuff sold, I’ve got deliveries scheduled for Monday in McMinnville and Tuesday on the mountain, mostly smaller stuff, but I’m hoping I’ll be adding some bigger stuff before tomorrow is out, too. One of the new owner’s help brought his young daughter, and she kept Lola busy for quite awhile, so I’m hoping she’ll get a good night sleep, and so will I. I’ve already stayed up too late answering questions about my list of sale items, so I’ve got to call it a night now. IT’S A NIGHT!! Good night, babe! Love you!

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