Saturday, April 11, 2020 – More Sales and Delivery of Chest Freezer

Hi Honey!
Well it did get nice and cold last night, but finally warmed up nicely during the day. Short-lived though, we’re expecting storms overnight tonight. Anyway, after chores I went over to the house and sorted a few things out, too, some more pictures and posted a bunch of stuff on Marketplace. It seems that you either get an immediate response or you get nothing on that site, but I did manage to get one couple to the house, and they bought the wheelbarrow and shop vac (guess I won’t be doing much more cleaning in the garage!), and I gave them some little gardening tools. Sherri the neighbor came over for a while and we chatted, then after she left, I got a call for the deep freezer I had just posted. I offered to deliver it to them in Woodbury for an extra $25 and they agreed, so I closed up the house and managed to wrangle the beast up on the trailer with the hand truck (which I had already disconnected, so I had to reconnect it. Lesson learned!), and took a nice drive up there. A beautiful day so I didn’t mind. I stopped to pick up some milk at a Dollar Market (that’s right, they’ve expanded into an actual grocery store in Woodbury), and then couldn’t resist topping off my tank at the coop where the diesel was priced at $2.05 a gallon! Unbelievable! By the time I got back to camp, all the spaces were taken so I had to improvise and park the little trailer out front. When I let Lola out, one of the other campers, who has a small kid who loves Lola, wanted to play with her, so I let them wear her out for awhile. I bundled the horses back up in their winter blankets for the night, and came it to settle down for the evening. Not a bad day, managed to sell a few things and make a little money, I just hope I can keep the momentum going for the next few days. Every little bit helps! Congress passed a huge bailout bill last week in response to the coronavirus, and every taxpayer is supposed to be automatically getting “stimulus” bonus deposited into their accounts. While I don’t necessarily agree with the principle behind it, I can’t say it won’t come in handy while I wait for the social security survivor’s benefits to kick in. I just hope they’ll be able to reschedule my Vegas job before too long! My Michigan job seems to still be on track, so I should be able to hang on until then. And if the closing goes all right next week, I’ll have some more money to invest, and with the stock market so down right now, there are some bargains out there to be had. Might just be a boon once the economy starts to pick up again! Anyway, time to quit for the day. Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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