I was thrilled this morning when Hubby said he thought he was strong enough for a ride, so I saddled up BOTH horses, helped him mount his new horse Flash, and off we went! I was so pleased that the horses behaved so well. At first, Flash was hesitant to pass Apollo, he stayed at his flank for the first half mile or so. Eventually, we split to opposite sides of the road, and that seemed to give Flash some freedom, and he started walking a bit faster. Apollo and I had to jog to catch up, but it was GREAT to see Hubby back on a horse at last! He hasn't been able to ride since April of last year, as he's been dealing with a whole variety of health issues, but we're finally settling down to a routine and he's been improving greatly over the last few months. So glad he was strong enough for a ride today!! It was a short ride, just under 3 miles round trip, but it was enough for him and Flash to start to get to know each other. I've been a bit worried, because Flash can be a handful, but he's settled down nicely. He did get a little excited after we trotted a little, and then he wouldn't stand very well, but Hubby didn't have any problem with him. Such a difference from his old mare Clio, who was so slow, steady and bombproof! But he really enjoyed himself, and was so glad to be back in the saddle again, albeit for only an hour. His hips started to ache (likely from lack of use!), but that should take care of itself as we start to ride more regularly, hopefully. We also had a great day of dialysis in the afternoon, FINALLY finding a great place to start our buttonhole for the arterial port, after several weeks of false starts, half halts and plain old problems. But I finally found it perfectly today, and can't wait to create this buttonhole! That should make the whole process easier, finally, and should become routine before long. After 10 months of trying to nail down his dialysis access, I think the light at the end of the tunnel is getting much brighter, at last!! As soon as we finish making buttonholes, and get his catheter out, we're heading back on the road in our great big new (to us) Trailrider trailer! Can't wait!!!
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