Monday, Nov. 4, 2019 – Run Around for Parts

Still feeling a bit tired, but decided to try to finally fix the leaky toilet, only to discover that the parts I bought wouldn’t fit, so I ran out and picked up some more, this time taking the connector with me to insure that it would fit. Unfortunately, once I got back and tried to do the job, it became clear that I needed an entire water valve, that the part I bought wasn’t going to make it work, so I ordered the part online. Then we decided that since we had some time, we would take the truck down to Advance Auto and get the two batteries replaced, considering the incident on Saturday and the knowledge that these batteries are over six years old now and slow to start even on a good day. That took some time, and once we got back, we spent the rest of the day resting, still trying to recover from the weekend.

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