Monday, March 8, 2021 – First Day of Physical Therapy

Hi Sweetie,
Slept well, almost through the night, and didn’t have any pain in the morning so I didn’t take a pain pill at all. Felt good enough to feed the horses this morning, which required a good walk out to the paddock and back, and even took my icer into the house and refilled it from Jeff’s freezer. He has an amazing ice machine, it literally can refill the entire box in 24 hours! What else could you expect from a refrigeration guy, huh? Got several icing sessions in before going to my first PT for my knee. It was a bit tough, though not as bad as I supposed it could have been. I’m still not entirely sure I didn’t do damage when I fell, but Allie seemed to think that if I was going to twist my leg that bad, doing it on the day of surgery was probably better than doing it a few days later when things had a chance to get more set in their ways. I hope she’s right, but I did have a couple of sharp twinges later in the day when I was back home. I managed to get Jeff signed up for his first Covid shot, I went through the county Health Dept. Rather than Publix and was able to get him an appointment just after he drops me off for me next PT session on Thursday. Allie gave me a bunch of exercises I need to do every day, and if I combine them with my shoulder exercises I’ll have quite a workout! I asked about driving on Monday, she was hesitant (understandably), but didn’t exactly say no. I’m considering calling the RV place where I have the appointment on Monday to see if we can push it back a couple of days without completely screwing up the schedule, just so Jeff can drive it up there for me, but I’m not going to change it if it means a long delay. I was glad to hear the CDC loosened some of their covid restrictions, I’m going to work on my Equity contract tomorrow to see if I can do anything toward getting a contract, thus allowing me to eventually get my insurance back, which is due to expire at the end of the month. I just don’t understand why they won’t just let me pay the premiums and keep me on the fund, but their bureaucratic system won’t flex enough to do that. I’m supposed to be able to go on COBRA, but I’m not sure how that works yet either. Lots of work to do on that in the next few weeks! Anyway, I didn’t try to feed the horses their dinner, the boys took care of that for me, but I’m going to try breakfast again tomorrow, especially now that I have a better idea what the goal of the PT is, what parts I’m supposed to be stretching and flexing. Took the rest of the day relaxing and icing, not sure how well I’m going to hold up doing next to nothing for weeks to come! Not like me to sit around like this! But everyone is telling me to be patient, so that’s what I’m trying to do. Anyway, bedtime for me. Good night, babe! Love you!

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