Hey Darlin’,
A pretty good night sleep, got my chores done, put together a couple of book orders from last night, started some laundry, then headed out to town. Hit the post office to drop off the books, then Glenn’s to clean the pool and finish weed-whacking around his walkways, stopped at Tractor Supply for some hay, and finally the gas station because the mower tank was empty. Got back to camp, put the hay away, then settled down for the rest of the day. I moved some stuff around in the Quonset hut, so hopefully I can get the Buick moved over tomorrow. Now all I have to do is arrange for a trailer to move the tractor, still hoping Jeff’s buddy will come through on that, no word yet, though. Really hot today, mid-80’s had to put the AC on! Had a quiet evening with a nice steak dinner, ready for shower and bed! Good night, Sweetheart! Love you!
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