Monday, January 16, 2023 – Day in the Field Working on Posts

Hey, Darlin’,
A busy and tiring day today! Did a bunch of organizing and preparation this morning, then finally headed out about 11:00, later than I wanted but the best I could do. I managed to get almost everything done that I had planned on, though I had to cut the last few posts short, partly because I used a couple of posts I hadn’t planned on, and partly because it was getting late and I didn’t want to be out after dark! Got almost all of the final painting done on the posts in situ, really just another day or two and it will FINALLY be completed. Unless, of course, I decided I need more posts somewhere. Evidently, old James has been doing some moving, all of the trails I was on today had been mowed. Even so, there were still a couple of sections that were a bit wetter than I thought they would be, and there’s still one water crossing I don’t dare try with my tractor, and it’s a long way back and forth. Anyway, got back to camp just before 5:00, played with Lola for a few minutes, then dinner and crash! Started falling asleep, so I’m heading to bed early. Good night, my sweet! Love you!

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