Monday, February 6, 2023 – Some Trailer Repairs

Hi Babe,
Finally slept through the whole night, woke up reasonably refreshed, then after chores got busy replacing the two vent covers for the fans on the roof. Had watched a couple of videos on Youtube, but they didn’t really address my exact problem, so I had to do a little configuring to get it right, but in a couple of hours, I had two new vent covers and a much cleaner vent area. Actually, the bathroom vent was in fine condition, until I accidentally kicked it and broke a corner off of it. Just the universe telling me not to be stupid, I had two new vent covers, so just change them already! Took me longer than I figured (what else is new!), but not really too much trouble in the end. I also tried to fix the tire cowling as well, I had bent it a little when I left Dupuis, but I couldn’t put a rivet into the steel frame, so not much I can do there. Might try to liquid weld it at some point, but not sure even that will hold. Read for awhile, watched TV for awhile, finished Bloodline, though the end was pretty unsatisfactory. The last two episodes were so disjointed, it was like once they got canceled, they couldn’t figure out how to tie up the loose ends, so they just left them all hanging. Hate it when they do that! Petition reached more than 100 today, very thankful for that! Weird, though, because some of the signers aren’t even members of the group, but I’ll take what I can get! Ready for shower and bed for sure, hoping I can sleep as well as I did last night. Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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