Monday, February 6, 2012 – Rainy, Rainy Day

 It started raining overnight, and continued for many hours of the day. As they’ve been having a drought here for the last couple of years, the locals are happy about it, and I didn’t mind until a huge gusher this afternoon. By then the ground was so saturated it couldn’t drain fast enough (despite the fact that we’re surrounded by lakes and canals) and pretty soon the yard was full of puddles that grew to ponds that completed engulfed us. Walking anywhere required wading through water that came halfway up my calves in some places! Had to navigate through it to feed the horses, not much fun! Then I accidentally walked through a fire ant nest, and had to deal with getting bitten all over my ankles and even up to my elbows as I reached down and picked something up before realizing it was covered with the little buggers. Ouch! I hope the flood drains off by tomorrow, and that the rain quits for a while. Dogs are wading around every time they go out. Crazy! Other than that, I spent the day trying to finish organizing out anticipated vacation next month, while Hubby did some repairs inside the RV around the kitchen. Relaxed as much as we could for the evening, a busy week coming up!

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