Monday, February 26, 2024 – Change of Plan

Hey Babe,
When I got going this morning, my plan was to take Flash down to Tidewater to remove a tree and try to put up some ribbons where we're hoping the Purple Trail road bypass will be, but after Rick got here, we ended up deciding to go to Bailey Mine. I had someone in the FB group mention it didn't get enough attention, so I thought there might be issues there, but we drove the entire 5-mile length of the designated trail and only came across one downed tree, which was nothing. All the markers were good, so I don't know what the issue is, other than there are issues on the non-designated trail, in which case, it will have to be done by horseback or on a volunteer day, which I can arrange, but I'd like to see if there's enough to do to warrant that. Anyway, by then it was lunchtime, so we drove into Chiefland (by accident) and had a fabulous lunch at ABC Pizza, which also served Greek and Mediterranean food, and I had a wonderful little appetizer of spinach and cheese in Filo pastry and a baklava for lunch, may not even need dinner tonight. We stopped at Ace on the way back where I picked up a couple of things I needed, then got back to camp around 3:00. There was a trailer from the Sheriff's office here doing some equestrian training, chatted with them for a couple of minutes, then got busy repairing the extension cord that burned out last month with a new end, and finished the day by putting a permanent connection on the brake controller, now that I know what the problem was. Finally getting settled down for dinner, TV, tea, shower and bed! Love you, Sweetie! Good night!

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