Hey Darlin’,
Was in bed by 8:30, set the alarm for a little earlier than yesterday and even managed to have breakfast before heading out to the next camp. Unfortunately, I clipped that dang ladder on the gatepost going out, and it ripped of the side lamp again, so now I have another couple of repairs to do after the ride. Today it wasn’t all road riding, there were a few woods and a lot of cow pastures, as well as a few back roads. There was a drone taking pictures (I assume video) as we set off in the morning, not sure who’s documenting it. My phone GPS program did something weird so I didn’t get it all, but I put my Garmin on about a mile out of camp, so I’m only missing a little of the middle, which I’m going to have to ask about. Flash started out calm, then quickly escalated to crazed again, but every time we came to a cow pasture, I just ran the heck out of him, back and forth, which temporarily settled him down. He walks just fine when we’re on a break, from trough to trough and around with no problem, but as as soon as the horses start moving, he insists on going into a gait which I’m constantly pulling back on. For the last five or six miles, though, I benefited from being being a young lady named Lexie who let Flash essentially put his head in her horse’s tail, and he managed to keep from trying to pass around him all the time. Still had to fight him a bit, but the rein was looser more often that way. I can’t understand why he won’t just walk! Anyway, it was a pretty good day, with a couple of water stops and lunch (though I didn’t sign up for the catering, too much food, too expensive, better off with my own food!), and just before we arrived at the lunch spot, we came across a herd of cattle that decided to head back out way, so we had a little mini-stampede, just for excitement! We got back to camp just after 4:00. I stripped Flash down, put on my bathing suit and rode him bareback with a towel down to the Peach River, hoping for a swim. It was too shallow, unfortunately, but it was cool and felt great, and I was able to wash a lot of the dirt off him. Settled down for the evening, took my shower early, had my own dinner, watched a couple of episodes of my latest binge-watch, The Gilmore Girls, now I’m yawning and ready for bed, once again, barely 8:30. It’s the only way I can get enough sleep to function and fight with Flash! Hoping tomorrow he’ll be too tired to fight as much, but he’s in such good condition after all the OTL stuff I did, he just keeps getting stronger. Anyway, time for bed. Love you, babe! Good night!
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