Monday, Dec. 16, 2019 – Ride Day on Apollo to Reclaim Markers

Hubby ended up having a rough night, not so much because of his breathing, but because his old clavicle break has been acting up lately, probably because we’ve been off our regular routine, which was managing it quite well. I brought him an extra pillow, which helped, but he didn’t get much sleep, his mind was very active for some reason. I suspect he may have slept a bit TOO much during the day yesterday, and no question, his circadian rhythm is off after being in the hospital where they woke him up every hour during the night. Once I got him out of bed, I saddled up Apollo for our final job here, reclaiming the markers on the orange trail. Thankfully, a friend of Jo’s had already picked up all the green trail markers, so I only had the orange trail to do, so off we went to do so. It didn’t take Apollo long to figure out what we were doing, and he was brilliant today at stopping and letting me grab the marker before slow jogging up to the next group. It was a bit longer than I had anticipated, over 11.5 miles, which is nearly twice the longest ride I’ve taken on him in a LONG time, so he was pretty wore out by the time we got back. A nice cold rinse and some hay, and he was all set. Next job was to get Hubby on a dialysis session, and we’re going to have to start new buttonholes, which is a process that will take several weeks, and starts today with me not quite sure about it, but fortunately, both sticks were good, and we were off and running! An error free day, that went on very long because we were told by the dialysis unit that we had to keep our blood flow rate way down, which lengthened the time considerably, but frankly, I thought the more we could clear out his blood after last week’s debacle, the better. Eventually we finished, and settled down for the evening, after a productive day (including two loads of laundry!), and hopes that Hubby will have a better night sleep after staying awake most of the day.

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