Monday, Aug. 12, 2013 – RV Wash Day

One of the reasons we decided to stay an extra day is because we had been promising ourselves that when we had the chance and circumstances to make it happen, we were going to wash the vehicles. Since we had a spigot within reach, and the place was pretty empty today (though not as much as we figured it would be, several tent campers still here), today was going to be the day. Fortunately, the morning broke with overcast skies, which was perfect for what we wanted to do, and we got busy. I started on the roof, which is much different that the roof on our old RV. That one had a flat rubber roof, and didn’t get very slippery as a result. This one has the same material as the sides, and gets slippery as the dickens when it’s wet. Combined with the sloping roof (both to the front and to the back), the challenges were considerable. I scrubbed away for quite some time, as it really needed some serious cleaning, doing as much of the slider awnings as I could, although most of the main awning was beyond my reach. Eventually I came down, and Hubby and I quickly washed the rest, until we reached the awning. Because it is an electric awning, it doesn’t drop down easily like a manual one, and it’s so high I could barely reach it from the ground. I had to scrub it on “stripe” at a time, on a ladder, with a hand brush, while Hubby brought it in at the end of every stripe. Talk about tedious! What an exhausting job! Eventually, I got it in far enough so that I could reach the rest from the roof, so up I went again, being extra careful not to slip (though the roof was mostly dry by now, thank goodness), and managed to finish it off. We also quickly washed as much of my pickup as we could reach (which, unfortunately, didn’t include the front end), but by then it was late in the day and we were both exhausted, so we decided we’d wait until the next “spigot” opportunity to do the horse trailer, which REALLY needed it. The good news is the RV looks like new, especially after having done all the windows inside and out, and we’re both so tired we’ll no doubt get a fabulous night sleep!

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