Monday, Aug. 10, 2015 – Travel Day to Sodus Bay

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Monday, Aug. 10, 2015 – Travel Day to Sodus Bay

As promised(?), I cooked breakfast for everyone, which disrupted our usual packing up time, plus we wanted to change the tire out on the trailer (which I hinted at my brother for help several times, but he characteristically ignored), and they were gone by the time we finished cleaning up the kitchen. Then we had problems with the bottle jack and had to abandon the whole thing anyway. Fortunately, our travel time is less than two hours today, so our late 10:30 departure wasn't going to be a problem, except there was rain coming in the afternoon that we wanted to miss. Our next stop is the Cracker Box Palace Animal Sanctuary near Wolcott, which happens to be about a mile south of where my brother Jeff has rented a cottage for a week, and where many of our family reunion events are bound to happen. When we arrived, we found a woman named Elaine who led us to the spot they had picked out for us, a corner of their hay field where they had put up three small pipe corrals. After a little consultation, we found a spot that was quite level with just a few boards under the wheels, and it didn't take long to get settled in. The grass inside the pens was quite long, so the horses were happily chomping in no time. We managed to miss the rain while driving up here, but just after we got settled in, the sky opened up and we were in a deluge for the rest of the afternoon and evening. My brother arrived just after sunset, stopping by for a few minutes to chat before heading out to his rented cottage, and we settled down for the night.

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