Monday, April 8, 2024 – Busier Than I Had Expected

Hey Darlin',
Went to bed nice and early, but then I woke up around 2:00 and it took awhile to get back to sleep, and that repeated a couple of times before I finally got up around 8:00. Spent most of the morning trying to locate a battery for the tractor at a reasonable price, Tractor Supply wanted nearly $200 for one, though I found a one year one at Walmart for $67, but I thought that was a lot for a one year. I finally found one at Home Depot, 3-year for $109, which I thought was reasonable, but unfortunately, it was all the way in Ocala. I jumped in the car with Lola and we headed out, then straight over to where the tractor is staying and sent to work. Turns out the new battery is exactly the same brand as the old battery, so I'm guessing I did the same search last time! It didn't take me very long to get it replaced, but I was missing one 10 mm wrench to finish it, so Jo brought me one since she was coming over anyway to leave some boxes here. Then I ran over to the Post Office to change my address, and I'm hoping they'll do the same deal with me here that I did in TN as far as forwarding it to me goes. The clerk seemed open to the idea, but she has to get it cleared with the postmaster. Anyway, it was 3:00 by the time I got back to camp, so I was busy getting everything packed. I usually spread out that job throughout the day, but I had no time left, so I worked non-stop for a few hours. Managed to do a bunch of laundry, too, since I'll be out of electricity and a water spigot for most of the summer. Finally settled down to dinner, having done everything I could to get ready, watched a movie and will soon be ready for shower and bed. I should also mention that there was a partial solar eclipse today, but we had a slight cloud cover, so it was hardly noticeable. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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