Monday, April 16, 2018 – Shopping Day

After dialyzing Hubby, I had to take a ride into nearby Shelbyville to do some shopping at the local Walmart, as well as drop off some books at the post office to be mailed. Even on the road, I do my best to fulfill every book order with a day or two of receiving it, since my website is the only place to get it (or at one of the horse fairs and expos I’ve been attending lately.) I’ve been asked if you can get it through Amazon, and the answer is “No,” because, frankly, they take too big a chunk of money on their end to print and fulfill. I might get a larger distribution, but I’m happy keeping up with it myself, for the moment. Of course, if it starts getting to be hundreds of books a week, I may change my mind! At the moment, though, I can still handle the demand, so I’ll keep going with that for now. One thing about driving in central Illinois, everything is flat and straight, so the drive was an easy one, and I was back practically before Hubby even missed me. Well, maybe just a little bit :-).

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