Monday, April 13, 2020 – Another Busy Day of Sales

Hi Darlin’!
What a night! After raining non-stop all day long (my wheelbarrow was ¾ full this morning!), the wind picked up something fierce during the night, whipping the trailer so hard we were rocking and rolling! I was woken up by it around 3:30 and had a hard time going back to sleep, it was so loud and violent. Fortunately no tornadoes touched down in the county, though the counties east of us got some which caused some damage. That meant I had a shortened night sleep, and though I did finally get back to sleep for a short while, I woke up tired. Unfortunate since I had a very busy day! After getting up when the 7:00 alarm went off, I fed the horses and threw frisbee for Lola, grabbed a quick breakfast and headed over to the house, where a fireman was waiting to buy the chainsaw. I was relieved yesterday when a guy was able to crank it up and start it, and I was grateful it did the same today. He bought that right away. More than an hour later, another guy came to look at the gooseneck jack. You remember we carried around the original for awhile before I put it in the garage? It was up in the hayloft/attic, which was unnecessary weight until I took it out of there. Anyway, the next guy that came along bought that. Several hours later (and much later than planned) a guy and his wife showed up to look at the MG, but after much discussion, I wasn’t willing to drop the price as much as he wanted me to, so we arrived at an impasse, sorry to say. Well, at least they had a nice drive down here. Once they left I quickly loaded up the trailer with all the stuff I had promised to deliver today (I had been waiting for the drizzle to stop, but it was still wet heavy air when I started to load), but I managed to manhandle everything, including that large bookshelf, into the trailer and headed to McMinnville. First the bookshelf, then the bar stools, then the extension ladder. Other than furniture, it’s really getting less cluttered in the house. I’m hoping for some more action, but I think the momentum of the weekend has slowed. We’ll see. I’ve managed to put a few dollars back in my pocket, which is as important as clearing the house out. After picking up a couple of forgotten items at Walmart, I finally got back to camp and settled down for the evening. It’s supposed to get near freezing tonight, so the horses are semi-permanently in their winter blankets until it starts to warm up. Way too cold for this time of year!! Figures. Anyway, time for shower and bed, and with no wind or rain tonight, just cold, I’m hoping to snuggle up and get a good night sleep! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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