Friday, September 16, 2011 – Sort out the Animals

Well, it seems that the horses had a few problems while we were gone. Apollo is apparently allergic to some weed that’s heavy in his field, his nose is running like a kid with a bad cold, and Clio’s back fetlock is swollen and has a few abrasions on it, as though she got kicked or it got caught on something. We took a trip to the pharmacy and got some allergy pills that our hostess said would do the trick for Apollo, and decided to keep them both inside for a few days to recover. Nothing serious, just something to keep an eye on. Dogs are doing great, though Marina’s limp seems to be getting worse, I’m finding it hard to believe it’s just arthritis. It really does look like an injury that’s just not healing properly. Again, we’ll keep an eye on her to see what’s going on.

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