Friday, March 5, 2021 – Recovery Day One

Hi Sweetie,
Woke up at about 3:15 and couldn’t really get back to sleep, I guess being unconscious for a couple of hours in the afternoon has disturbed my sleep cycle somewhat. Not in pain, just awake, so I read for a couple of hours, might have dozed a bit, but got up about 7:00, being very careful I didn’t take another fall. I managed to get back over to the trailer by about 8:30 and pretty much had a restful day, while Jeff and James looked after the horses for me. The day was controlled mostly by timers today, timers for pills, timers for icing my leg down, I haven’t used my phone timer so much since the last time we did dialysis! I spent the day mostly reading, wiggling my feet per nurses’ orders to avoid blood clots, I finally ordered all the parts for the slide-out, and they’re shipping them out 2-day air on Monday so there won’t be any last minute hiccups, hopefully. Jeff is going to the Gator Nationals nest weekend, though, so he won’t be back in time to drive the trailer up to the repair shop in Stuart for me, so either my knee will have to be good enough to drive by then, or I’m thinking about asking Mike next door, since I know he’s pretty experienced in hauling. My original plan was to see if I could spend a couple of days with our friends in Melbourne, but since my surgery was delayed for three weeks, I’m not sure I could make it up their stairs or down to the beach, so I guess I’ll just come back and stay in Jeff’s guest room until I get the trailer back. I was also hoping to leave after it was done, but again, with the delay and the need to continue PT for awhile, that’s not going to happen. Well, at least the weather’s nice, so no complaints there! So after reading and watching multiple episodes of Heartland, I’m ready for bed, my own bed tonight. I’ve been using your beautiful Brazo’s walking stick, it’s been a lifesaver today since I can’t fit the walker in here. Tomorrow I can start to unwrap my leg a bit, and they said it’s okay, in fact, recommended, that I start putting my full weight on it, so I have been doing that occasionally. The nerve block has lasted until well into the late afternoon, I think, though I started taking a pain pill about 3:00, to avoid the time delay of 30 minutes until the pill kicks in. Fortunately they don’t make me as loopy as they made you, but they are doing a good job on the pain. Just took another one before bed, along with a bunch of others for inflammation and other stuff. Anyway, time for bed, hoping I can sleep through the night and get back to my regular schedule at least. Good night, darlin’! Love you!

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